This is what I wrote the night that Austin Hamner Jr. asked me to marry him. this story warms my heart C:
sunday 1.22.2012
today has been surreal. i don't know if i can properly put it into words... but here i go...
This morning during Church, Bishop Radmall announced that the Temple Preparation class was starting today. I asked him if it would be alright if I went- seeing as I would be engaged within the next couple weeks. Bishop could see how excited I was and said that it would be more than okay if I attended the class. It was wonderful. I gained a lot about my role as a child of God.
After Church, Laura (my roommate) and my home teachers came over! This was a huge blessing because I haven't been home taught since April 2011. I felt very blessed because of their diligence.
Then AJ and I went to AJ's Aunt Vivian and Uncle Louie's home for dinner. We decided on the way to their house that afterwards, we would drive to the Provo Temple and walk around. Dinner was amazing and it was so much fun to spend time with everyone!
While we were there, AJ asked me if he could wear my CTR [choose the right] ring. I didn't want to give it to him because I thought that he would lose it! But he insisted, so I let him keep it. i actually was kind of frustrated because i really didn't want him to lose it- and i was sure that i would have to go buy another one!
Well, we left and drove up to the Provo Temple. The gates were closed- so we parked on the east side of the Temple (uphill) and looked out from above. AJ wanted to get out and walk around and I said something along the lines of, aj, i am wearing ridiculously tall, open-toed high heels and a skirt. it is freezing outside and there is snow on the ground. you will have to carry me across the snow. He agreed and swooped me into his arms.
We looked out at the valley and the Temple and AJ said, "Grace, it all starts here." i was completely oblivious to what was about to happen because i knew he didn't have the ring. and so i definitely missed this clue. We talked about some other things, and hugged while we did so. I could feel his heart beating really hard- and he was breathing nervously... and this is the first time that i thought that maybe, maybe he would propose. I justified myself out of thinking that he was going to do it because: he didn't have the ring, it was completely random to propose today, and there was no way that he would kneel in the snow. After I let the proposal idea leave my mind, I felt AJ's hands fidget behind my back. I thought, so... he's taking off the ring....... but I still hadn't completely put it all together. He said something about how he wanted to have the real ring, but he just couldn't wait-
and then he got down on one knee
in the snow
and asked me to marry him.
I was shocked. Literally speechless! But after a few moments of speechless exuberance, I managed to formulate "yes." I kissed him and we laughed together and he said, wait... you said yes, right? Silly boy, I laughed and replied of course! Then he swooped me into what I thought was a dip, but he just set me in the snow! I cried, aj, what in the world! it is freezing! and he said, well, i thought i might as well do something crazy! As if proposing to me wasn't crazy enough!
He pulled me up and I pretended that there was something in my shoe. I reached down, grabbed a handful of snow and chucked it at him. We had a mini snow fight and then he put my CTR ring on my finger. He said, i am the luckiest man in the world. and I said, i'm the happiest girl in the world.
We got in the car and that is when it really hit me. I started crying because I felt so grateful. I never thought that gratitude would be the most prominent feeling when I got engaged- yet here I am overflowing with gratitude. I told AJ some of the reasons why I am so grateful. The Spirit was definitely there.
We called my family and his family and then went over to Spencer and Ashley Anne's home to tell them the news! AA and Spence got out the video camera and recorded us telling the story! i am so grateful for their foresight. and don't worry- i will put it up when i can!
now that i have written what happened- it is time to write how i am feeling...
I am amazed- It is wonderful and beautiful to me that AJ, the man of my dreams, chose me. I am so grateful that he saw some kind of potential in me and decided to grab my hand and take a leap of faith with me. I feel at peace, like everything is going to be better than I can imagine. I feel happy! I can't stop smiling- I truly feel like a queen! He is so loving and kind to me. I am so grateful.
I am so grateful for my loving Heavenly Father who trusts me enough to give me such a beautiful life. I have more blessings than I can count- and I am amazed that despite my undeserving nature, He gives them to me anyways. My testimony is strong in my God and I know that He loves me.
I wish I was more eloquent right now... but all I can say is that the Spirit confirmed to me many times that this is right. I have seen AJ's potential and I am excited to stand with him throughout eternity. Gratitude for AJ and for my Heavenly Father fills my heart and I truly feel like the luckiest girl in the world.
it all starts here...
and i can't wait.
much love,
Grace [soon-to-be] Hamner
Oh Grace! I'm speechless! So wonderful! Thank you for sharing. I cried too. :) i can't wIth to tell Jonny