Tuesday, June 10, 2014

...There are TWO Human Beings Growing Inside of ME!!

So- we just found out that we are having TWINS!

Here are some of the thoughts going through my head: 
- What the crap?!
- How are we going to do this?
- All of our financial planning for one baby is no longer valid! 
- Ummm... thank goodness we bought a car that can fit two carseats! 
- Two mouths to feed... two butts to cover... two personalities to develop! 

So all through my pregnancy, I have been worried about gaining too much weight. I started showing early and people CONSTANTLY tell me, wow you are soooo big! i can't believe you are only so-and-so weeks! 

Then my friend told me about how their cousin found out they were having twins at their 20 week ultrasound! After I heard that story, I started getting really nervous. dreaming about the twins didn't really help to calm my nerves! 

lo and behold: 8:40 am we were with the ultrasound tech. She poured the warm jelly on my belly and then began. I saw two distinct circles on the screen- and then she hesitated. are you seeing what i'm seeing? she asked. Quietly I said the word, twins?

And then all of a sudden our world changed! She confirmed for SURE that there are two healthy babies growing inside of me. Of course AJ was ecstatic-- and I was thinking through all the logistics. dang the planning brain of mine! I am trying hard to really enjoy today as we let this news sink in... then tomorrow have the gender reveal...s  c:

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