Dear Maggie:
You made me feel loved, thank you. You brought light into my dimming day, thank you- I was tired, hungry, and on the verge of grouchiness when you waved my shuttle van down. I remembered you from before because I had made a mental note of your tan floor-length skirt. You were so kind as you assured me that you didn't need me to get out of the van to help you get in. I saw a sigh of relief on your face as you sank into the seat cushion; soaking in the air conditioning. The conversation we had changed my perspective and I continue to strive to live closer to your example. Thank you, Maggie. I desperately hope we will meet again- then this thankful heart can rectify.
I doubt that the woman this post is inspired by will ever read this, but I couldn't stay away. So many things have happened in my life this past year that should have prompted me to post... but I didn't... oops. Then, on a busy day in a busy week, a woman most likely in her 60s made my day which prompted me to share my good fortune. This past Thursday and Friday I was able to work as a shuttle van driver for BYU's Education Week. I loved it. I met some of the most eccentric, loving, and gracious people I have ever met. [I also met the most pessimistic person and it made me feel very blessed and loved that I am able to see beauty all around me despite the grey nature at times.] There are a few people I met that stand out and deserve a shout out:
#1) Man from the South: Thanks for making me laugh and calling me "pretty lady."
#2) Young Mother: This may sound weird, but when you broke down in tears in the passenger seat, it was exactly what I needed. You felt the Spirit so strongly and were not ashamed to share that Spirit with everyone in the van... including me. I am so grateful that you were able to share with me the blessings of your life because you truly helped me recognize the blessings in mine. You make me excited to be a mother; to have a loving husband that will rush to my rescue during times of stress and much needed "mommy time."
#3) Young Girls: HAH! We laughed about the fact that I had been holding in my desire to "Slug Bug" all of the passengers in my van. Thank you for being a breath of fresh air and fun. It was nice not having to hold a professional air for a few minutes. You let me be myself in my most natural element, and I loved it!
#4) All the Women in my last trip: Ladies, ladies, ladies... you truly were my favorite van-full. I have often heard from women, "How come you aren't married yet?" typically said in a snide, accusatory manner... despite the fact that I just barely turned 20. You, however, said it in a loving and sincerely shocked way- one that made me wonder the same thing. I then received dating advice which I fully intend in using. Watch out, boys... I am armed and ready C:
#5) Handicapped Van: I stopped to grab a bottle of H20 and I saw someone struggling to fit a walker-contraption into a van. Naturally, I rushed over to help. As I did I was blessed beyond belief because I was able to meet 3 women with disabilities and one very patient caretaker. I almost burst into tears when I realized that you wanted me in the picture that was being taken. I got in and you grabbed my hand and made me feel so at home. This experience heightened my knowledge that I am in the right major and on the right path. I love you- I don't know you but I love you.
... Last but definitely not least,
#6) Maggie: I was about to go on break and I got the impression to make one more round for people... when I turned the corner to the MOA, I saw you waving your arms to flag me down. Those simple words when you stepped into my car, "Well, those other van drivers thought I was crazy when I told them I was waiting for a specific driver," made my night. You hopped in my van and we drove off, just the two of us chatting away like old friends. I love the way you spoke about the experiences you had been having at Education Week. You spoke in such a sure manner that I could never doubt you, well, ever. We talked about our lives; mine just beginning and yours well on your way. You are so kind and patient... your example taught me something very important on Friday: though it is important to beat traffic, get home, get to the next class, etc... it is equally if not more important to take time to make a positive impact in another person's day. I constantly get wrapped up in my busy schedule... my work, my school, my this and my that... but there is always time to shine a little brighter and watch someone else walk a little taller.
Thank you, Maggie.
I'm only a beginner- but I cherish my time to be learning.
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