Monday, September 19, 2011

Cukatoos Chirping and the Cosmos

i am a nerd. just ask my mom C:
  I took an astronomy class here at BYU in which I learned a lot about my role as one of God's daughters. At first in the class, when we learned about planetary nebula and black holes and supernova,  I thought i am so small... i am just a little girl on this little planet in a little solar system in a little galaxy of a massive universe. what would an omniscient God need of me? Throughout the semester my mind drastically changed from those early-on thoughts. On the last day of class, my professor decided to spend the hour discussing spiritual matters as they pertain to the cosmos. In that class I had a change of heart so massive that it still brings me to tears sometimes... let me explain.
 Take a second to look at the stars; if you don't have stars gleaming right outside your window, look up pictures of the universe online. oh, isn't it beautiful? Heavenly Father created the universe in all of its vastness; every star and galaxy and planet. He is all-knowing and all-powerful, jealous and fierce; yet gentle and kind and specific. precise... I think precise is a better word for Him. He is so precise that He knows exactly what each of His children need at any given moment. I know of countless examples in my life where I have felt Heavenly Father's hand direct me in incredibly personal ways that no one else would ever be able to do. I am often stubborn and refuse to let my true feelings show; yet Heavenly Father knows me and takes care of my needs when I am too stubborn to lean on other people in my life.
  Did you know that I love to hear the birds chirp in the mornings? I adore when clouds look abnormal in the sky! I think, if i saw this scene in a painting, i would think it was fake. but here i am seeing this in real life!! Did you know that when I see a baby smile, my heart melts like butter in a microwave? I love to dance in the rain. Did you know that sometimes the mountains look like a backdrop and I am stunned that I live in beautiful Utah? I find peace when I can run barefoot through a field of freshly cut grass. Did you know that flowers on the side of the road make me smile bright? I leap at any opportunity to sit and listen to a masterful melody. Did you know that looking up at the stars makes me marvel at my Savior and often makes me cry? I know that my Savior is real because of the power that I feel.
  You might be wondering, grace... what do all of these things have to do with the immensities of the universe you were just ranting about? They connect so incredibly seamlessly in my head that I don't distinguish between the two. Yes, the placement of our planet within our solar system and galaxy is one huge example of God's attention to details (if you don't understand why... come ask me- i am a nerd for this kind of thing); I think that the tiny things are examples of God's love as well. He knows the things that will bring me joy each day- so He gives them to me! I am often amazed at how personal it feels. 

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